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First university degree

In addition to very good knowledge of English and German, the admission requirements include a first degree in which essential modules for the MAIB must be completed.

The subject International Relations is an independent sub-discipline of political science. Part of the studies are abstract political science concepts and terms, which are researched with specific methods of political science. For this reason, during the first degree programme, students should primarily complete 55 ECTS in modules that include political science or related components.


Important note

Degrees can only be recognised if 55 ECTS in modules relevant to the MAIB can be proven as part of the completed degree programme. The ECTS are divided into the following areas: at least 10 ECTS in the field of international relations, 10 ECTS in the field of empirical social research and 35 ECTS in political science and administrative science courses must be completed and proven by means of a transcript at the time of application. You are responsible for providing evidence of the relevance of the modules you have completed in the areas mentioned. If the reference to one of the areas is not recognisable on the basis of course titles, you must explain your study transcript accordingly and supplement it with official course descriptions. You can use the following list as a guide when considering the relevance of your modules:

  • Political Theory,
  • Political Systems,
  • Comparative Politics,
  • International Relations,
  • Administrative Sciences,
  • Public Policy,
  • Economic Policy.