An dieser Stelle haben wir für Sie viele nützliche Informationen rund um Ihr Studium zusammengetragen.
Applying for the MAIB
These admission requirements must be fulfilled in order to participate in the selection procedure:
- a Bachelor's degree or equivalent professionally qualifying university degree with completion of modules relevant to the MAIB
- Proven very good knowledge of German (see below)
- Proven very good knowledge of English (see below)
1. Bachelor’s Degree: Admission requirements for the MAIB include a Bachelor's degree or equivalent professionally qualifying degree. As part of this programme, at least 10 ECTS in the field of Methods of Empirical Social Research, 10 ECTS in the field of International Relations and a further 35 ECTS in the field of Political and Administrative Sciences must be proven. The burden of proof for the relevance of the modules lies with you. If the reference to the areas mentioned is not recognisable from the course titles, you would have to explain your study transcript accordingly and supplement it with course descriptions. You can use the following list as a guide when considering the relevance of your modules in the field of political and administrative sciences:
- Political Theory,
- Political Systems,
- Comparative Politics,
- International Relations,
- Administrative Sciences,
- Public Policy,
- Economic Policy.
Important note: Students who cannot yet present a Bachelor's degree certificate may only apply if they do not lack more than 40 ECTS points up to the Bachelor's degree at the time of application! In this case, your university must calculate the current average grade so that we can determine your rank.
2. English language skills:To qualify for admission, proof of English language proficiency equivalent to at least level C 1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages must be obtained in accordance with the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency or equivalent. The following language examinations are equivalent proofs:
- UNIcert® III or IV certificate,
- TOEFL® Internet-Based Test (iBT) or TOEFL iBT Home Edition with at least 95 points,
- Cambridge English C1 Advanced (CAE) with at least 180 points,
- IELTS "Academic" or IELTS Online with at least 7 points in each area,
- Proof of completion of a course of study at a recognized university with English as the sole language of instruction. Suitable certificates or transcripts as proof of an English-language degree program are the degree certificate, a transcript of records, a diploma supplement, statutes on admission and studies or comparable proof. If the degree of the degree program is not yet available and this degree also serves as proof of the general admission requirements according to § 3 para. 1, the proof can be provided under the conditions of § 7 para. 4 at the latest upon final enrolment (provisional admission),
- Certificate of higher education entrance qualification obtained in an English-language course in a country where English is the official language,
- Pearson Test of English - PTE Academic or PTE Academic Online with at least 76 points,
- Cambridge English C2 Proficiency (CPE)
German language skills
As proof of German language proficiency, which corresponds to the German Language Examination for University Entrance (DSH II), the following applies:
- Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang (DSH) at a German institution of higher education or a German preparatory college (“Studienkolleg”) with a valid registration with the German Rectors' Conference (HRK), level DSH-2 or DSH-3
- Deutsches Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz, second level (DSD II) with level C1 in all 4 sub-examinations
- An assessment test that is deemed equivalent to the “deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang (DSH)”
- Certificate of successful completion of the Goethe-Zertifikat C2: "Großes deutsches Sprachdiplom" (GDS)
- Zertifikat telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule passed with the grade “good” or better
- Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache (TestDaF)with level 4 or better in all 4 sub-examinations
- Evidence of the completion of a German-language degree program at a German-language institution of higher education
- Foreign certificates that meet the requirements set forth in no. 3 of the KMK resolution “Zugang von ausländischen Studienbewerberinnen und Studienbewerbern mit ausländischem Bildungsnachweis zum Studium an deutschen Hochschulen: Nachweis der deutschen Sprachkenntnisse“
- School-leaving certificate that is equivalent to a German higher education entrance qualification including evidence of the German language proficiency required for university studies
- The chairperson of the Examining Committee in charge of the DSH examination at the University of Potsdam decides on the recognition of any other proof of language competence (e.g. German Studies degree successfully completed at a recognized university abroad or German as a major while studying abroad, ÖSD or UNIcert® certificates). You will need to submit an application to this effect. The decision will be made based on a review of your certificate as well as a personal interview. To request a confirmation of your German language skills for a university degree, please contact Ms. Ines Behnke in a timely manner. She works at the Center for Languages and Key Competences of the University of Potsdam (Zessko)
Note: Other language certificates not mentioned above will not be accepted. All information is subject to change under the new admission regulations. Your application must be complete (including language certificates!). Please note that we can only accept the above-mentioned documents at this time. Any other proof will result in your application being rejected.
Attention! All documents must be complete by the application deadline (including language certificates!)Documents (excepted formats: pdf, doc, jpg and rtf)
Please scan the originals of the documents to be submitted. You will have to submit them again for enrolment if you are admitted. Please note that only documents in German and English can be considered. All other documents must be officially certified translated.
- Certificates and transcripts of your university degree
At the time of application, transcripts and certificates of a first degree in a subject relevant to the MAIB must be submitted - Proof of sufficient knowledge of English
- Proof of sufficient knowledge of German
Recommended (see admission criteria):
- Proof of study experience abroad
Here you can provide evidence of academic achievements which you have completed abroad. "Abroad" is defined as a country other than your home country in which you obtained your higher education entrance qualification. - Proof of relevant professional or practical experience
Please make sure that professional or practical experience is not the same as experience gained during your studies abroad. This distinction must be clearly stated in the documents. Please make sure that the exact scope of work is made clear in the case of part-time activities! Only proof of work already done issued by the internship provider will be recognised. Contracts and commitments cannot be considered.
Is it possible to submit additional documents?
Proof of degrees obtained in the summer semester prior to admission to the MAIB can be submitted later after appropriate consultation. Otherwise, only documents submitted via the application portal within the application deadline can be taken into consideration; it is not possible to submit missing documents after the deadline.
Important note: Students who are not yet able to submit a Bachelor's degree certificate may only apply if they do not lack more than 40 ECTS points up to the Bachelor's degree at the time of application! In this case, your university must calculate the current average grade so that we can determine your rank.Proof of degrees obtained in the summer semester prior to admission to the MAIB can be submitted to the enrollment office during the enrollment process. In the case of provisional enrolment, this evidence must be submitted by the end of the first MAIB semester at the latest. Otherwise, only documents submitted via the application portal by the deadline can be considered. Documents submitted at a later date can no longer be considered. This applies in particular to language certificates of any kind.
Important note: Students who are not yet able to submit a Bachelor's certificate may only apply if they are not more than 40 ECTS points short of a Bachelor's degree at the time of application! In this case, your university must calculate your current average grade so that we can determine your ranking.
There is no Numerus Clausus in the strict sense. However, experience shows that around 400 applicants apply for the 45 places available each year. The applicants' previous academic achievements therefore play a central, although not the only, role in the selection by the admissions committee. The following criteria are taken into account in the selection process and are weigthed as follows.
- Grades of previous academic degrees and achievements: 64 %
- Relevant practical experience: 21 %
- Experience abroad during studies: 15 %
In recent years, however, applicants with an average or final grade of less than 1.9 have not been considered.
Yes, enrolment at all three universities is mandatory. After successful application via the University of Potsdam, you will receive a letter of admission and a separate letter informing you which is your main university. After receiving the letter of admission, you will "main enrol" at the HU, FU or UP accordingly. You must then enrol at the other two universities as a so-called "multiple enrollee".
In summary, your enrolment will take place in three steps:
1. you receive the letter of admission and a separate letter telling you which university is your main university.
2. you enrol at your main university
3. you enrol at the other two universities as a multiple enrolment student.
You can find the respective enrolment applications to be filled out on the homepages of the universities:
UP: https://www.uni-potsdam.de/en/studium/application-enrollment/enrollment-master/master
The enrolment application must be sent by post to the respective student administration offices.
Freie Universität Berlin
Iltisstr. 1
14195 Berlin
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Studierenden-Service-Center (Lichthof West)
Unter den Linden 6
10117 Berlin
Universität Potsdam
Dezernat für Studienangelegenheiten
Am Neuen Palais 10
14469 Potsdam
The semester fee must be transferred to the respective university account within the deadline. As a rule, you pay the semester fees at the university at which you are primarily enrolled (main enrolment, see information above). You will receive detailed information as well as the request for payment in the course of the further enrolment process. It is important to pay the fees on time, otherwise you may incur reminder fees or, in the worst case, you may not be enrolled. You will be informed of the deadlines in good time together with the request for payment from the respective university.
The enrolment application is usually structured in such a way that it can apply to all applicants individually. Therefore, you will be asked to provide information that may not apply to you. Please leave the corresponding fields blank. Based on the documents you have submitted, the relevant information will be added for you by the administrative staff in the course of processing.
The application for enrolment must be submitted on time and in full. Additional documents can be submitted to Freie Universität Berlin within one week. Your Bachelor's degree certificate and your exmatriculation certificate can be submitted later at the application office (see contact). In this case, you will only be provisionally enrolled and must submit these missing documents by October 31st at the latest.
Studying and study administration
The Studien- und Prüfungsordnung (SPO) contains your study and examination regulations. It sets out the objectives, content, requirements and structure of the MAIB programme. If you have important questions about your studies, it is always worth looking at the study and examination regulations. The study regulations regulate the general structure and course of your studies and contain important information on the teaching forms of the programme (seminars, lectures, modules, etc.). The examination regulations specify exactly which requirements and procedures apply to the examinations to be taken. At the end of the SPO you will also find a recommended study plan.
You can find the SPO on the MAIB homepage under Downloads.
Your student ID doesn't only serve as a proof that you're a student, it also has some other useful functions. The student ID card is calles Campuscard at the Freie Unviersität and Humboldt-Universität, it is called PUCK at the Universität Potsdam.
Freie Universität/ Humboldt-Universität - Campuscard:
The Campuscard combines the student ID with the Mensa card, the VBB ticket and the library card on one card.
- Checking out books at the libraries with the Campuscard
- Use of the cloakroom lockers
- Loading credit and paying at the canteen cash desks
- Paying library fees (cash or EC card) at the pay machines
- Use of printers and copying
- Use of the VBB ticket even without an identity card if the photo option has been selected
Universität Potsdam - PUCK:
The PUCK combines the student ID card with the Mensa card, the VBB ticket and the library card on one card.
- Borrowing from the libraries with the PUCK
- Top up credit and pay at the canteen cash desks
- Using printers and copying
- Paying for use of the laundry rooms in the hall of residence
- Use of the VBB ticket
In general: yes! There are plenty of different scholarships available and it's always worth looking, if you could apply for one to cover your expenses. While you don't have to pay high student fees in Germany, there are still scholarships to cover you daily expenses or costs for books, study material etc. There are a number of different offers from political foundations, social clubs and associations. Everyone should inform themselves individually about their possibilities to get a scholarship.
The following link lists some scholarship opportunities that you can take advantage of (however, the list does not claim to be complete):
For letters of reference, please contact lecturers you trust, ideally those with whom you have already worked with.
If you have problems with your studies, there is a counselling service at each university that will be happy to help you and, if necessary, refer you to the right contact person. You can find the office hours on the respective websites.
Free University:
Phone: +49 30 838 70000
E-mail: info-service@fu-berlin.de
Website: https://www.fu-berlin.de/en/studium/beratung/ssc/bereiche/allgemeine-studienberatung.html
Humboldt University:
Phone: (030) 2093-70270
E-mail: Contact form on the website
Website: https://www.hu-berlin.de/en/studies/counselling/wir1-eng?set_language=en
University of Potsdam:
Phone: +49 331 977-1715
E-mail: studienberatung@uni-potsdam.de
Website: https://www.uni-potsdam.de/en/studium/advising-and-services/zsb
For problems directly related to the MAIB, please contact the office: masterib@zedat.fu-berlin.de
From the student side, the student body initiative FSI*OSI also always offers its help: fsi.osi@riseup.net
If you want to become active in university politics, you can stand as a candidate for the MAIB student council. The election takes place during the introductory week.
The MAIB student council represents the student body in the course-specific committees of the three participating universities by sending voting members.
The student council consists of one representative per university and deputies. The student representation is the contact person for students and prospective students of the MAIB for questions from a student perspective. If you interested to get involved, its best you contact the student council directly: maib.berlin.potsdam@gmail.com
Courses and seminars
Credit points (LP) are not only awwarded for your attendance time in the courses, but also your total workload required to complete the module. Therefore, credit points are not awarded for the amount of work as such, but basically only if you regularly and actively participate in the courses provided for in the study and examination regulations and pass the respective module examination.
The terms "credit points" and "ECTS" are synonymous in the MAIB. Roughly you receive one credit point (LP/ECTS) for 30 hours of work.
In principle, withdrawing from a course is not a problem. If you decide not to take a course after the registration deadline, you can do so via Campus Management/Puls/Agnes. Ask the lecturer to write an email confirming the deregistration. When doing so, please cc the MAIB Office and the Office of Student Affairs (Studienbuero@PolSoz.FU-Berlin.de).
All courses take place within the framework of so-called modules.
A module is a thematic block consisting of several courses.
To complete a module, you usually have to take two courses. In order to successfully complete the module, you must then prove your performance in one of these two courses within the framework of a common form of examination (written examination, term paper, presentation, etc.).
Within the modules there are different types of courses that can be taken:
Lectures (V)
Lectures provide an overview of the relevant theories and empirical manifestations in the core areas of study.
Core seminars (K-HS)
At least one so-called core seminar must be attended in each compulsory and elective module. These cover essential areas of the respective subject of study and are marked accordingly.
Advanced seminars (HS)
Advanced seminars serve the in-depth elaboration of contexts on the basis of systematic case studies or the training of region-, theory- or method-related competence.
Project courses (PK)
Project courses are generally offered over two semesters of study and serve to form individual focal points.
Colloquia (K)
Colloquia serve to prepare or accompany the Master's thesis.
The various courses are validated with different forms of examination. Details can be found in the study and examination regulations (on the MAIB homepage under Downloads).
The registration deadlines are very important due to the high administrative workload for the university administration. If you have missed the deadline and would still like to take part in the course, please contact the lecturer directly. However, you do not have a right to the course; in this case, the decision is up to the lecturer. The latter must then write us an email, with you, the MAIB office and the study office (Studienbuero@PolSoz.FU-Berlin.de) in cc, confirming that, in view of the regulations on active and regular participation in the MAIB SPO, course participation is still reasonably possible. Please also include your matriculation number in this email.
In order to receive a participation or performance certificate at the end of the semester, "active and regular" participation must be proven in the courses. As a rule, "active participation" is demonstrated with a presentation, minutes or similar performance. For "regular participation", the rule applies that students must be present in 85% of the sessions.
Exams and grades
Your direct contact is the examination office of the MAIB (Coordination Office). It accepts your requests by e-mail or post and then forwards them to the relevant examination board at your main university (the university at which you are primarily enrolled). The final decision on your request is made by the examination board. The Examination Office is only a mediating body.
In order complete a module, you need to obtain a Leistungsschein in at least one ot the two courses of the module. In order to obtain such a Leistungsschein there are different types of examinations, depending on the type of course. These are the possible types of examination:
1. Written exam
2. Term paper in a core seminar (approx. 6,000 words)
3. Term paper in a main seminar (approx. 6,000 words)
4. Term paper in a project course (approx. 10,000 words)
5. Essay or policy paper in an advanced seminar (approx. 3,000 words)
6. Presentation (approx. 15 minutes) with a related presentation paper
7. Other performance (e.g. thesis paper)
The MAIB coordination office will issue the following certificates by e-mail upon request. (Please allow for processing time in advance)
- Certificate of enrolment (only if it is compulsory to have a certificate from all three universities, otherwise this can also be proven by the certificate of enrolment at the main university)
- Certificate of extension of studies
- Certificate of expected graduation
The examination office of the MAIB will issue the following certificates by e-mail upon request. (Please allow for processing time in advance)
- Certificate of completion of the Master's programme (you will also receive this without being asked as soon as all grades are available but the transcript is not yet available)
- Transcript in English
The MAIB internship office will issue the following certificates by e-mail upon request. (Please allow for processing time in advance)
- Confirmation of the compulsory internship
- Confirmation of completion of the internship
If you need a transcript, please send an informal e-mail to the examination office of the MAIB ma-int-bez@polsoz.fu-berlin.de.
Exchange programs/study abroad
Students at the MAIB have access to numerous programme places at foreign universities within the framework of ERASMUS/ERASMUS+ and various direct exchange programmes at all participating universities.
In addition, the MAIB internal cooperation network includes exchange places at the following universities:
- American University, SIS (Washington, DC)
- Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University (Washington, DC)
- Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University
- Department of International Relations and the European Forum at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Please check the current deadlines for Erasmus and other direct exchange programmes directly on the websites of the respective universities, as these can change regularly.
For the MAIB exchange programmes:
- American University SIS: Spring deadline: 01 September, Fall deadline: 15 January
- Washington University, Elliott School: 01 December
- Texas A&M University, Bush School: fall term 15 January
- Hebrew University of Jerusalem: summer term: 01 September, winter term: 15 January
For information on the documents required for Erasmus and the direct exchange programmes, please refer directly to the websites of the respective universities.
For the MAIB exchange programmes the follwoing documents must be provided:
1. Tabular Curriculum Vitae (signed, with place and date) in English. Please include information on your choice of subject, your course of study, as well as extracurricular activities, social commitment etc.
2. Statement of purpose in English (approx. 500 words)
3. An evaluation report in English. The reviews must be sent by the reviewers (by e-mail to masterib@zedat.fu-berlin) directly to the application committee. The reviews must also be received by the application deadline at the latest. The appraisals may not be handed over to the applicants.
4. Copy of the certificate of the first degree (e.g. Bachelor's degree) or, if applicable, the intermediate examination or pre-diploma certificate
5. Official current transcript (The correctness of the information on the number and grading of courses will be checked after the selection process has been completed. In case of incorrect or incomplete information, the nomination will be withdrawn)
6. Matriculation certificate
7. Passport photo
8. Passport copy
Considering taking a semester off (Leave of absence)
Before you go abroad, you should consider applying for a semester off so that your number of semesters does not increase unnecessarily because you are going abroad. (aka you can still complete your degree in the standard period of study, even if you need more university semesters to do so). It is important to know that at HU and FU you are still allowed to take courses during your semester off, but this is not possible at UP. If you decide to take a semester off, you must apply for this at all three universities. You can find more information here:
UP: https://www.uni-potsdam.de/en/studium/studying/organizing-your-studies/leaveofabsence
Learning Agreement:
Furthermore, you have to take care of the preparation of a "Learning agreement". For ERASMUS you use an online form, which you can find under the following links:
FU: https://www.fu-berlin.de/en/studium/international/studium_ausland/erasmus/formulare/index.html
For direct exchange and MAIB-internal cooperation, please use this form. Please coordinate the courses you want to take with the responsible examination board in good time before you start your stay abroad. You should also do this if any necessary changes arise during your stay.
In addition to these university-specific matters, please remember to take care of visas and necessary medical examinations/vaccinations in good time, if necessary. If a scholarship is not already linked to the exchange place, you should also take care of this in good time and inform yourself about suitable scholarships (e.g. scholarships from your study foundation, DAAD, Fulbright, etc.).
When you come back from abroad, it is important that you send your Transcript of Records from the partner university to the examination boards and have the crediting carried out with the Learning Agreement or the recognition form of the MAIB in order to have all the courses you have taken included in Campus Management quickly.
Recognition of credits from other study programs for the MAIB
Yes, it is possible to have credits from a previous Master's program recognized. For this purpose, please use this form and send it together with a transcript of records showing your achievements, completely filled out, to the examination board. Unfortunately, we cannot recognize credits acquired within a Bachelor's program.
Yes, we can recognize completed language courses in the interdisciplinary area. Please send the corresponding proofs, which also show the number of SWS and the duration of the course as well as the obtained credit points to ma-int-bez@polsoz.fu-berlin.de.
Master thesis
You can register for the master thesis if you are enrolled in the MAIB and have completed at least 75 ECTS. In particular, you must have completed the mandatory internship. You register for the master thesis using this form via email until 23:59 of the respective registration date in the examination office of the MAIB (ma-int-bez@polsoz.fu-berlin.de),. Documents received after the deadline will not be considered. Please name a lecturer in the registration form whom you propose as first or second referee. The lecturer must document his/her agreement by (digital) signature or by e-mail to the same e-mail address.
Your registration must also include a topic proposal for your Master's thesis that has been agreed upon with your first supervisor. It is your responsibility to arrange an appointment with your first supervisor in good time and to agree with him/her on a topic proposal in the field of international relations. Only fully completed documents including the topic proposal and the signatures of the reviewers and the applicant will be accepted by the examination office of the MAIB.
To be eligible to take the examination, your chosen examiner must hold at least a doctorate in a subject relevant to the MAIB. Furthermore, one of the examiners must hold a professorship or be habilitated.
One of the examiners must also be a member of the MAIB faculty. The second examiner may also come from outside the participating universities. Please make sure that both examiners can be present at your oral examination.
Yes the recognition of an master thesis, that you've already written in another study program is possible in principle, if the examination conditions and the assignment of the submitted performance do not differ significantly in terms of quality, level, learning outcomes, scope and profile from the examination conditions and the assignment of a master thesis to be completed in the master program MAIB.
If you are prevented from completing your Master's thesis on time due to an acute temporary illness, the examination board may, upon request, extend the deadline for completion by the period of the proven inability. The reason for the inability hand in your thesis on time must be substantiated by submitting a medical certificate. A medical certificate is a document stating why you are unable to take the examination. A simple certificate of incapacity for work is not sufficient for this purpose. Rather, the content of the medical certificate must be a description of the health impairment/symptoms and an indication of the resulting effects on your ability to perform in the examination. The ultimate decision about your request still lies at the examination board.
Please send the request for an extension of the processing time together with the medical certificate digitally by e-mail to the examination office (ma-int-bez@polsoz.fu-berlin.de). You will be informed by e-mail about the new deadline for the submission of your Master's thesis.
As soon as you've achieved all credits neccesary and the coordination office has received both of your examiners reviews for your Master's thesis, your graduation documents will be produced. Please note that the processing time takes about 8 weeks and requests for faster processing cannot be considered.
In principle, we send the graduation documents by registered mail to an address provided by you. If you'd like to have them sent to a different adress, please inform the coordination office by e-mail of a current address to which the documents should be sent. If you are located in Berlin, you can also pick them up in person at the coordination office by appointment.
Withdrawal from university (exmatriculation)
You apply for de-registration if you wish to continue your studies at another university, if you wish to discontinue or interrupt your studies or after finishing your studies.
You must apply for your exmatriculation by writing to the Student Administration Office at the end of the current semester. The signed application can be submitted by email or by regular mail. The processing time is usually 5-7 days. In case you need an immediate issuance of the de-registration certificate, it can be handed out during the office hours of the Student Administration.
The required exmatriculation forms can be found here:
Freie Universität: https://www.fu-berlin.de/studium/studienorganisation/immatrikulation/formulare/antrag_exmatrikulation.pdf
Humboldt Universität: https://www.hu-berlin.de/de/studium/bewerbung/formulare/Exma/view
Universität Potsdam: https://www.uni-potsdam.de/fileadmin01/projects/studium/docs/03_studium_konkret/08_formulare/studienbereich/a_exma.pdf
Exmatriculation generally takes effect at the end of the respective semester. The corresponding certificate will be processed and issued promptly after receipt of your application. If you want your exmatriculation to take effect earlier than the end of the semester, this must be justified. In this case, you must submit your student ID or campus card for the semester in question together with the application for exmatriculation. Please note that an exmatriculation with immediate effect is possible at the earliest on the date your exmatriculation application is received. Retroactive exmatriculation is not possible.
In the case of a change of university, exmatriculation with immediate effect is usually not needed if the semester start date of the other university is identical.
Student life
Dormitories and student hotels in Berlin are managed by the Studierendenwerk Berlin. There are about 40 different dormitories, which are located both in the center and in the outskirts of Berlin. The rent varies, but is relatively cheap. Usually a deposit must be paid, which you get back after you leave. For more detailed information you should take a look at their website
You can also reach out to the Studierendewerk and ask for avalable places via phone or mail.
Tel. (030) 93939 – 70
E-Mail: info@stw.berlin
Studentenwerk Potsdam
Dormitories in Potsdam and surrounding area are managed by the Studentenwerk Potsdam. There are a total of 32 dormitories with 1-room apartments, shared flats and rooms for students with children. The rent varies, but is also relatively cheap. You also need to pay a deposit for your room (about 300€). For more detailed information, please take a look at their website.
You can also reach out to the Studierendewerk and ask for avalable places via phone or mail.
Telefon: +49 331 3706-0
E-Mail: post@studentenwerk-potsdam.de
Bürgermeister-Reuter Foundation
The Bürgermeister Reuter Foundation also offers rooms and apartments in its House of Nations, which can be booked on a monthly basis or for a few days.
Tel. 030 491 022-0
E-Mail: info@brst.de
Some online platforms
- WG gesucht
- Studenten-WG
- Wohnraumbörse des Studierendenwerks
- Allcampus-Suchmaschine
The semester fee includes the cost of a semester ticket. Your student ID therefore automatically also acts as a ticket for the ÖVPN. This means that you can use the extensive range of public transport throughout Berlin, including S-Bahn, U-Bahn, streetcars, buses and even ferries, and is valid in the ABC fare zone. If you are enrolled at the University of Potsdam, it is also valid for the whole of Brandenburg. Berlin has a very good and closely meshed public transport systems, so you don't need a car. For everyday life its advisable to organize yourself a bycicle, which is usually the fastest option for short routes. You can take along a bicycle free of charge on all means of transport.
All three universities have multiple canteens and cafeterias, where you can gets lots of food for a very decent price. In order to eat there, you need your student ID card, which functions as a payment card . You load a credit onto this card at the appropriate machines and can then use it in all canteens and cafeteria. To find out which is the canteen closest to you, just ask your fellow students, who will be more than happy to help you out.
With your student ID card you can borrow books from all libraries of the FU, the HU and the UP and use their premises. In addition, you can also get a free access to the Staatsbibliothek Berlin (a very large public library). This library also offers a wide portfolio of accessible literature for Political Science/International Relations.
You can also work in all libraries. Please inform yourself on site about any restrictions that may apply.
Relevant libraries for the MAIB
FU Berlin:
Sozialwissenschaftliche Bibliothek
Garystr. 55, 14195 Berlin
Tel.: (030) 838 – 55559
E-Mail: bisinfo@zedat.fu-berlin.de
HU Berlin:
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 1/3, 10117 Berlin
Tel.: (0)30 / 2093-99370
E-Mail: info@ub.hu-berlin.de
Uni Potsdam:
Bereichsbibliothek Babelsberg
Universitätskomplex III, Gebäude 5
August-Bebel-Str. 89, 14482 Potsdam
Tel.: 0331 / 977-3311
E-Mail: infobb@uni-potsdam.de
You can make use of the university sports facilities of all Berlin universities and colleges by participating in Hochschulsport courses. Here you benefit from an extremely diverse range of sports and of very favorable conditions. The only requirement is a valid campus card (regardless of which university issued it). You can also take advantage of the sports offerings at the University of Potsdam.
The universities have different registration procedures. These can be found on the respective homepages. Depending on the type of sport, the courses can be filled quickly after registration begins, so you should inform yourself in good time. We would very much like to encourage you to make use of this student advantage and see which sport course might suit you best. By clicking on the links below, you get directly to the corresponding offers of the participating unviersites.